Monday, August 18, 2008


Romantic Period is a period in European Music history that European Classical Music and classical works are born in these period. It is popular from the end of Napoleonic wars to the end of the 19th century. Music is written according to the styles of the period. The main style of these period is all related to monarchy and royalties. Romantic period is related to romanticism in literature and arts . These kind of literature and arts barely states one's emotion, imagination and individualism. It expands and refers to the ideas of the earlier periods which are established. It describes the expansion of formal structures of a piece of art to make the piece more creative and expressive. Because of this, we can easily identify the author of the artpiece because of the style a author uses in his works. Authors exposes theirselves freely and wants th have a creative and unusual work. Majority of the artworks are about burning fire, patriotism and being a nature lover. Musicians are free to express and music became known and popular throughout this period because it can be easily expressed and understood. This period, music became a business because musicians were dependent with the public for support and they must find new strategies for earning money. These is due to the promotion of middle class people to have authority and power. Due to these problems, musicians became businessmen selling their compositions and entertainers showcasing their talents just to earn a living. Many might thought that musicians on this period are like paupers doing anything and using their talents to keep themselves alive and have a simple life. Popular musicians in this period are Chopin, Liszt, Schubert, Brahms, Mendelssohn and Schumann.

The characteristics of the romantic music in this period is, there is a freedom in writing and designing an intense personal expression of self-emotion, emphasis on some notes, to boost the quality and excitement of the music, the textures ar more expressive and a wider range of dynamics, pitch and tone-colours are explored, expansion of the orchestra, rich variety of piece types, closer links with other portions of arts, shape and unity of the theme, greater technical emphasis and nationalism.